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Visiting again TWiT Studios at Petaluma, for live recording of This Week in Google @twit @leolaporte

As I'm an avid daily listener of Leo Laporte TWiT network, I was happy to come back to his brick studios at Petaluma with Ismael and Joan, Google Summer of Code students from Liquid Galaxy LAB in Lleida, Spain.
The plan was to attend live recording of TWiG, with Jeff Jarvis, Gina Trapani and Leo (and of course Chad at the Tricaster switching), as in my first time there, as you can see in those other posts http://www.andreuibanez.com/search/?q=twit, I attended TWiT sunday recording.

Beside the live recording of This Week in Google, I meet other great people from TWiT:

- With Gina Trapani the weekend before at Google Summit of mentors from GSOC in Mountain View.

- With Iyaz Akhtar, from Tech News Today, who was working at the studios.

- With Jason Howell, who also was there editing past TNT.

- With Chad Johnson, producer of TWiG and many more shows, and also host for others, who also nicely allow me to say hello to Gina in San Diego through the video feed.

- And the always lovely photo with smiley Leo Laporte, who asked us for something interesting and allows us to explain our Liquid Galaxy project we work on with Ismael and Joan, GSOC students who come with me for the visit.